Strategic Planning – Health, human services non-profits, foundations, local governments, program, and organizational development, SF Bay Area n San Francisco Bay Area, State of California
Nancy has extensive experience with foundations and public grantmaking and contracting programs, including conducting needs assessments, developing and administering grant programs, and evaluating grant program impact. She is also an accomplished grant writer - helping to gain millions of dollars for her clients.
Sample of NFA Clients for Other Services
The Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County
The Stuart Foundation, San Francisco
Marin Community Foundation
The Babcock Endowment, Marin County
Northern California Grantmakers AIDS Task Force
Design Industry Foundation for AIDS (DIFFA) N. California
California Community Foundation, Telecommunications Trust, Los Angeles
The Sierra Foundation, AIDS Initiative, Sacramento
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Prevention Program
Interim Positions:
StarVista, San Mateo - Interim Data Manager
Foster A Dream, Martinez - Interim Executive Director